Saturday, April 28

عرض شود كه
آلان جاي من اونجا خاليه
حالا چرا ؟
چون كه من آلان اونجا نيستم , جاي من خيلي جاهاي ديگه هم خاليه آلان.. مثلا آمازون يا ورزشگاه اولد ترافورد تو منچستر يا وسط درياي خزر
ولي جاي من تو بيافرا خالي نيست آلان, چونكه اينجا يجورايي بيافرا هست خودش
نميدونم چرا ولي ميدونم هست
.جاي تو هم آلان اينجا خاليه. چون اينجا نيستي. همين
به غير از اونجايي كه آلان هستي همه جاي ديگه دنيا جاي خاليت احساس ميشه
آلان دوست داشتي كي پيشت بود ؟ يا تو كجا بودي ؟
من دوست داشتم تو كره ماه نشسته بودم , چايي ميخوردم و با يه تلسكوپ خيلي قوي آدماي زمين رو نگاه ميكردم. لب خواني هم بلد بودم
واي چقدر جامون خاليه اونجا... ميخنديديما

Friday, April 27

Why does it still hurt so much?!
Why why why why why...
They said the child will grow and the pain will go
But they lied
They lied again
My heart hurts so bad that I feel dizzy, I wanna vomit..
The pain stays, and it hurts even more
More and and more and more..

Today all my values, principles and rules got all mixed up and screwed that I have nothing to build anything on
I am empty
I am zero
I am null
I am me

Wednesday, April 25

Cheeeeeeeers Darling!
For bringing us a night to remember..

Damien Rice
April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23

Cried when she should and she laughed when she could
Here's to the man with his face in the mud

What makes her come and what makes her stay?
What make the animal run, run away yeah
What makes him stall, what makes him stand
And what shakes the elephant now
And what makes a man?
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
No I don't know you any more

Yeah, but I'm the professor
And feel that I should know

I'll finish it off with some French wine and cheese:

La fille danse
Quand elle joue avec moi
Et je pense que je l'aime des fois
Le silence, n'ose pas dis-donc
Quand on est ensemble
Mettre les mots
Sur la petite dodo

Sunday, April 22

خوش بحال غنچه هاي نيمه باز
...خوش بحال آفتاب

Monday, April 16

سر آن ندارم امشب كه برآرم آفتابي

چه خيال ها گذر كرد و گذر نكرد خوابي

Sunday, April 15

Great day of freedom,
May it come soon...

Wednesday, April 11

چقدر زيبا گفته فريدون مشيري در وصف ونكوور ! واقعا من لذت مي برم كه مطلب رو درك كرده! عميق

ريشه در اعماق اقيانوس دارد - شايد -

اين گيسو پريشان كرده

بيد وحشي باران .

يا ، نه ، دريايي است گويي ، واژگونه ، بر فراز شهر ،

.شهر سوگواران
هر زماني كه فرو مي بارد از حد بيش

ريشه در من مي دواند پرسشي پيگير ، با تشويش :

رنگ اين شب هاي وحشت را

تواند شست آيا از دل ياران ؟

چشم ها و چشمه ها خشك اند .

روشني ها محو در تاريكي دلتنگ ،

! همچنان كه نام ها در ننگ

هرچه پيرامون ما غرق تباهي شد .

آه ، باران ،

اي اميد جان بيداران !

بر پليدي ها - كه ما عمري است در گرداب آن غرقيم -

آيا‌، چيره خواهي شد ؟


Monday, April 9

Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night

I'm goin in the woods
Looking for something,
Something shiny, I mean real shiny.
Like the crows,
Cuz to tell you the truth, I was born a crow,
But somehow no one see me as a crow anymore,
Which makes me real upset.
I don't wanna attack em or anything,
But they make me.
Cuz they don't take me seriously, I mean serious enough.
You know what I'm talkin about?
I guess not,
Just leave the subject

Oh wait I almost forgot,
Com on girl, tell me
Just spit it..
Where the hell did you sleep last night?
In the pines?
With the crows?

Sunday, April 8

Make me feel..

It's gonna rain again tomorrow, who knows for how long this time.
Are you ready for the rain?
It's not just the raindrops that worries me.. but the lack of sunshine, the blue sky and the happy kids running on the grass ..
I like it that I have something to worry about for the next morning
It makes me wanna get up in the morning, reach for the curtains and open the window.
That's what matters, who cares if it's raining or not....

Thursday, April 5

گفتم صنم پرست مشو با صمد نشين

گفتا بكوي عشق هم اين و هم آن كنند

Monday, April 2

Destroy 'the ego', hound it, beat it, snub it, tell it where it gets off?
Great fun, no doubt, but where is it?
Must you not find it first?
Isn't there a word about catching your goose before you can cook it?
The great difficulty here is that there isn't one...

'Posthumous Pieces' by Wei Wu Wei

Photo: not by me

Sunday, April 1

Endless Flight

Home made video!