Wednesday, January 31

Do you believe in candles?
If you don't you should start considering them.
It's amazing how a small sparkle can make a flame and that flame can keep you up all night...

Tuesday, January 30

Beautiful White Tiger

Staring at me with his silent blue eyes..
Calms me down, more than anything else....

I like my town with a little drop of poison
I smoke my friends down to the filter
But I feel much cleaner after it rains
I left in the fall, and my picture's still on the wall
I always had that little drop of poison
That deep blue sky is my home...

Sunday, January 28

تمام روز با همه حركت و كار و زندگي يه طرف, شب كه آدم ميره تو تخت بگيره بخوابه يه طرف...
اينقدر فكر و خيال مياد تو اين مغز معيوب آدم كه خدا ميدونه
يعني بعضي وقتا دلم ميخواد با پتك بزنم تو سرم به خودم بگم بگير بكپ ديگه!
ولي خب متاسفانه امكانات محدوده و پتك ندارم
اون موقعهايي كه آدم بدجوري احساس تنهايي ميكنه فكر و خيال هاي شبانه هم هي بيشتر و آزاردهنده تر ميشه...
اينجور وقتا اگه يكم فكر كنی (وسط همون فكراي شبانه) ميبینی اونقديم كه فكر ميكني تنها نيستي
فقط باید رفیقاتو یکم آدم حساب کنی وبهشون اعتماد کنی ...
همین که با یه نفرحرف بزني خيلي فرقشه... لازم نيست چيزه خاصي بگي
آدما فكر ميكنن كه مجبورن بار همچيو تنهايي تحمل كنن و سختي بكشن... يكمش درسته, هميشه همچي بر وفق مراد آدم نيست كه...
ولي از يجايي كه ميگذره كم كم تبديل به مازوخيسم ميشه...
ميدوني چي ميگممممممم!
مطمئنم ميدوني پس لطف كن برو با هر كي دوست داري دو كلمه حرف بزن, اونوقت ميبيني شب چقدر راحت تر مي خوابي...
بعضي وقتا حتي ميتوني با سوپور محله حرف بزني
:D ... بخدا حالت بهتر ميشه

Frozen City Lights

I took this picture at the end of November 2006 and I was freezing..

01:44 am Sunday morning

You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen, when your heart's not open
You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're broken, when your heart's not open

Now there's no point in placing the blame
And you should know I suffer the same if I lose you..
My heart will be broken..

Saturday, January 27


بالاخره موفق شدم فارسي تايپ كنم , البته يكم زحمت داره ولي خب اشكالي نداره

Friday, January 26

A photo to start with..

This is my first post! I just created the blog, I'm kind of excited but I'm here to upload my photos. I won't be talking or I better say 'writing' that much.. my pictures would represent me. :)